
Centennial College, Toronto
#Software Engineering #Graphic Design #Early Childhood Education #Hospitality Management

Toronto, OntarioPublic College

About Centennial College

Over the past 50 years, Centennial College has transformed itself from a local community college to a worldly institution, with a presence in countries like China, India, South Korea and Brazil.

Centennial's focus has always been on preparing graduates to enter the work force, while teaching our students to be leaders. We’ve worked to build lasting partnerships with local communities, while preparing our graduates to succeed globally. Locally, Centennial College continues to offer industry-recognized full- and part-time programs at four Toronto campuses. Whether in our classrooms, our labs or the community, Centennial student experience the real world before they even graduate. They're job-ready, and that's a fact employers have told us, as more than 94 per cent of those hiring Centennial grads are satisfied or very satisfied with their hires.

Centennial College Residence

About Toronto, Canada

Toronto is Canada’s largest city and a world leader in such areas as business, finance, technology, entertainment and culture. Its large population of immigrants from all over the globe has also made Toronto one of the most multicultural cities in the world.

Toronto is an international centre of business, finance, arts, and culture, and is recognized as one of the most multicultural and cosmopolitan cities in the world.

The diverse population of Toronto reflects its current and historical role as an important destination for immigrants to Canada. More than 50 percent of residents belong to a visible minority population group, and over 200 distinct ethnic origins are represented among its inhabitants. While the majority of Torontonians speak English as their primary language, over 160 languages are spoken in the city.

Software Engineering student internship interview

Architectural Engineering Graduate student interview


대표자명 : 김태성  |  사업자등록번호: 777-15-00986
한국 본사 상담번호: 031-778-8581 (8571)

광주 지사 상담번호062-652-3889
밴쿠버 고객센터: 1-236-998-5977
토론토 고객센터: 1-647-554-3998 
이메일:  mail@canadain.kr

한국 본사 주소: 

경기도 성남시 분당구 황새울로360번길 21, 8층 

(서현동, 신영팰리스타워)

광주 지사 주소:

광주광역시 서구 화개중앙로114번길 22 상가동 106

캐나다 밴쿠버 지사 주소: 

#706 9868 Cameron Street, Burnaby BC V3J 0A4

#204 3007 Glen Drive Coquitlam B.C V3B 0L8

캐나다 토론토 지사 주소:

18 Spring Garden Ave #2508,
North York, ON M2N 7M2